You, like most American women, have probably experienced it … What’s expected of women and what it’s really like to exist as a woman in today’s world are two different things - and we exhaust ourselves trying to close the gap. Sisters Emily Nagoski, PhD, and Amelia Nagoski, DMA, are here to help end the all-too-familiar cycle of feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. They compassionately explain the obstacles and societal pressures we face - and how we can fight back. With the help of eye-opening science, prescriptive advice, and helpful worksheets and exercises, all women will find something transformative in these pages - and will be empowered to create positive change. Join us for this live session where we will discuss the final chapters of the book: Part III: Wax On, Wax Off • Chapter 6: Connect • Chapter 7: What Makes You Stronger • Chapter 8: Grow Mighty Conclusion: Joyfully Ever After Haven’t read the book yet? That’s okay! You can still join the discussion. Free to PWCC Members | $15 non-members/guests *Any food and drink purchased will be on your own.
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